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Customer story
0.5 Liter - sharps / hazardous waste container
For more information or to order, please contact
- Total and maximum filling volume: 0.5 / 0.35 litres
- Weight: 88 g
- Container size: 8 cm dia x 14,5 cm
- Lid (unfolded): 20 x 8.5 x 2 cm
- Item number: WS005NO01
- EAN Code: 7350062160635
- Amount/package: 50
- Weight/transport package: 5,4 kg
- Number of packages/pallet: 28
- Transport dimensions: 57 x 38 x 19 cm
- Pallet height: 1,47 m
- Number of containers/pallet: 1400
- Total pallet weight: 151,2 kg
- ADR, ADR-S (RISE-C900694, RISE-C900879)
- ISO 23907-1:2019
- UN 3291
- UN 3249
- LCA (cradle to grave), According to IPCC, ISO 14040:44 -.
- 66% reduction of CO2 emission vs PP
2 Liter - sharps / hazardous waste container
For more information or to order, please contact
- Total and maximum filling volume: 2.3 / 1.7 litres
- Weight: 218 g
- Container size: 16,5 cm dia x 15 cm
- Lid (unfolded): 39 x 17 x 3 cm
- Article number: WS020NO01
- EAN Code: 7350062160642
- Amount/package: 70
- Weight/transport package: 17,5 kg
- Number of packages/pallet: 6
- Transport dimensions: 76 x 38.5 x 57 cm
- Pallet height: 1,28 m
- Number of containers/pallet: 420
- Total pallet weight: 105 kg
- ADR, ADR-S (RISE-C900694, RISE-C900879)
- ISO 23907-1:2019
- UN 3291
- UN 3249
- LCA (cradle to grave), According to IPCC, ISO 14040:44 -.
- 66% reduction of CO2 emission vs PP
3 Liter - sharps / hazardous waste container
For more information or to order, please contact
- Total and maximum filling volume: 3.3 / 2.7 litres
- Weight: 267 g
- Container size: 16,5 cm dia x 20 cm
- Lid (unfolded): 40 x 17 x 3 cm
- Item number: WS030NO01
- EAN Code: 7350062160659
- Amount/package: 50
- Weight/transport package: 17,2 kg
- Number of packages/pallet: 6
- Transport dimensions: 76 x 38.5 x 57 cm
- Pallet height: 1,28 m
- Number of containers/pallet: 300
- Total pallet weight: 103,2 kg
- ADR, ADR-S (RISE-C900694, RISE-C900879)
- ISO 23907-1:2019
- UN 3291
- UN 3249
- LCA (cradle to grave), According to IPCC, ISO 14040:44 -.
- 66% reduction of CO2 emission vs PP
6 Liters - sharps / hazardous waste container
For more information or to order, please contact
- Article number of double lid: 1060120
- EAN code: 7350062160888
- Number of containers/consumer FRP: 30
- Dimensions of consumer packaging: 760 x 385 x 600 mm
- Total and maximum filling volume: 6.0 /4.8 liters.
- vessel weight: 495 g
- Jar dimensions: 31.5 X 18.7 x 15 cm (WXLXH)
- Lid (double): 30 X 18 X 3cm
- ADR, ADR-S (RISE-C900694, RISE-C900879)
- ISO 23907-1:2019
- UN 3291
- UN 3249
- LCA (cradle to grave), According to IPCC, ISO 14040:44 -.
- 66% reduction of CO2 emission vs PP
12 Liter - sharps / hazardous waste container
For more information or to order, please contact
- Article number double lid: 1120120
- EAN code: 7350062160895
- Number of containers/consumerfrp: 20
- Dimensions of consumer packaging: 760 x 385 x 600 mm
- Total and maximum filling volume: 12 /10.9 liters
- vessel weight: 785 g
- Jar dimensions: 31.5 X 18.7 x 34 cm (WXLXH)
- Lid (double): 30 X 18 X 3cm
- ADR, ADR-S (RISE-C900694, RISE-C900879)
- ISO 23907-1:2019
- UN 3291
- UN 3249
- LCA (cradle to grave), According to IPCC, ISO 14040:44 -.
- 66% reduction of CO2 emission vs PP
25 Liter - sharps / hazardous waste container
For more information or to order, please contact
- Article number of double lid: 1250120
- EAN code: 7350062161274
- Number of containers/consumer frp: TBD
- Consumer packaging dimensions: TBD
- Total and maximum filling volume: 28 /22 liters
- vessel weight: 1325 g
- Jar dimensions: 39.5 X 39.5 x 24 cm (BXLXH)
- Lid (double): 38,5 X 38,5 X 3cm
- ADR, ADR-S (RISE-C900694, RISE-C900879)
- ISO 23907-1:2019
- UN 3291
- UN 3249
- LCA (cradle to grave), According to IPCC, ISO 14040:44 -.
- 66% reduction of CO2 emission vs PP
50 Liters - sharps / hazardous waste container
For more information or to order, please contact
- Article number double lid: 1500120
- EAN code: 7350062161038
- Number of containers/consumer frp: TBD
- Consumer packaging dimensions: TBD
- Total and maximum fill volume: 54 /48 liters
- vessel weight: 2055 g
- Container dimensions: 39.5 X 39.5 x 49.5 cm (WXLXH)
- Lid (double): 38,5 X 38,5 X 3cm
- ADR, ADR-S (RISE-C900694, RISE-C900879)
- ISO 23907-1:2019
- UN 3291
- UN 3249
- LCA (cradle to grave), According to IPCC, ISO 14040:44 -.
- 66% reduction of CO2 emission vs PP